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Working With Lunchtime Solutions

Lunchtime Solutions | Working with Lunchtime Solutions

We offer more than great food because we also have a great mission.

Our Mission:

Inspiring healthy food choices while delivering exceptional customer experiences.
Fueling the minds of the future.

A few ways we help fuel the minds of the future include:

  • Healthy food choices for students – An ongoing commitment to keeping your menus contemporary with new recipes for fresh, prepared in the kitchen, foods. Unlimited fresh fruits and vegetables are included with every student lunch.
  • Buying locally grown foods – Lunchtime Solutions works with local farms and growers to bring fresh produce and other foods to the lunch menus. We assist learning about local purchasing through our Farmers Market Selections educational program.
  • SchoolYard Garden – Financial assistance for supporting school grown food and integrating the yield into the meal programs for additional learning.

To learn more about Lunchtime Solutions and to discuss your specific needs, call 605-235-0939 or send us an email.

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I appreciate the responsiveness that I get from my team at Lunchtime Solutions. I always trust that they have the students’ best interests at heart and that we are working together to provide the best services to our staff and students that we possibly can.

- Stacey Cole, Superintendent
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